onsdag 21 december 2011

Lady gaga week, Wednesday.

Today I did my own woreson on an outfit from the papparazi video. I think everyone knows what's one I am taking a abute.. The lovely mickey mouse bodysuit!!   I would give barely anything to have that bodysuit!

 My adored eyeliner really proved me that it is waterford today. I made it as lipstick just to get that non sheny lock, and it turned out superb! 
Now I won't ever won to go bay Isidore waterproof eyeliner, okej? GOOD!

May all yours days be Lady gaga fab!

tisdag 20 december 2011

Lady gaga week, Tuesday.

Today i went for the classic lady gaga ribbon!!
Have to fix my outgrove....

May all yours days be Lady gaga fab!

Lady gaga week, Monday.

This week i decided to only wear lady gaga inspired outfits.  
I started with an outfit inspired by the Judas video and old school gaga!
Today it was mostly the makeup and the hair that was gaga-ish.

May all yours days be Lady gaga fab!

torsdag 15 december 2011