onsdag 19 oktober 2011

Feeling lonely..

!i'm all by myself.. sitting in my kitchen training to do my homework but it's not really gong that good to be honest.
I haven't been all alone for some time so I don't fansy it like I did before.
Fuck this shit! I will make myself a bubble bath!!!
  And listen to The dresden dolls ;)

May all your days be goth!

onsdag 12 oktober 2011

Omg, glasses

 I have glasses now, wtf?  My eyes are the sape of an ruggbyboll and taths makes it hard for me to se if somthing is round or oval.  My glasses is from canal and have cute little ribbons on each side.
I will show you some time ;)

Today I'm going shopping with my boyfriend, can't tell you howe mutch i love that he likes shoping!!
He is really the best boyfriend ever! :D

Think that is all for now.. and now I'm of for swedish classe! ...jej..

May all your days be goth!

lördag 8 oktober 2011

Let's party bitches.

I'm off for party at ericssons!! It while be swell!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

May all your days be goth!

lördag 1 oktober 2011

Dear pajama..

In about two hours i'm supposed to go to bella fore her birthday party. But i don't want to leave my pajamas!! One nice thing is that i cando know what i wont to ware..

-And another super nice thing that happens today, is that me and my hansom boy friend have been togetr for haf a yer! that's just sick.. but I love him so much and he stil makes me feel like a fangirl, Tihihi!

May all your days be goth!